DIY: Refreshing and Minty Sugar Scrub

DIY: Refreshing Minty Sugar Scrub

  While I was roadtripping through New England, one of the restaurants had a seashell of hand sugar scrub in the bathroom. They instructed me to wash my hands, then rub about a teaspoon onto my hands for a minute, then rinse off and dry. My hands were silky smooth and moisturized afterwards! This sugar […]

Dilly Lentil Salad

Dilly Lentil Salad, Kiku Corner

   Several summers ago, I spent a few weeks at our family friends’ farm north of Toronto. Their Polish grandparents came to visit and brought along a few giant bunches of fresh dill. For the next several days, every meal included dill, much to one grandson’s chagrin. Potatoes, eggs, fish – all covered with dill. […]

Flavoured Waters: Cucumber Mint Water

If you ever get tired of plain water (ooh how fancy you are, that fresh clean water is too boring!), try flavouring it with cut up fruits, vegetables and herbs. In this case, we added sliced cucumbers and fresh mint.