The Year in Books: July

The Year in Books: July

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The Year in Books: July

Here is what I am planning to start reading in July: How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street: Golden Rules Any Investor Can Learn by Allan S. Roth. Look at Circle of Pine Tree‘s whole list of books for July!
I got really into personal finance and investing a few years ago. I’ve plowed through most of the most popular and famous personal finance ones, like The Wealthy Barber, Your Money or Your Life…even Rich Dad Poor Dad! I’ve also read a whole bunch of heavier investing books, like The Intelligent Investor and A Random Walk Down Wall Street. I even read books about the economy as well, including Economics Explained. I also read books about more current events like Too Big to Fail, and historical books like Warren Buffett’s biography The Snowball.

I read about this book on some personal finance blog a few weeks ago, and I ordered it from the library. I’ll let you know how it goes!

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One Reply to “The Year in Books: July”

  1. […] July I read How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street by Allan S. Roth. It was easy to read but a lot of the […]

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