Toronto Eats: Lunch at Salsas

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Fish tacos, from Kiku Corner

Nestled in Kensington Market, Salsas is not an upscale restaurant. There’s a TV in the corner, sparse decorations, and the food is served in plastic baskets with a sheet of waxed paper to minimize cleanup. This minimal atmosphere however, means that all focus is put on the quality of the food– just the way it should be.

Donatello and I have a tradition of coming here after I finish an exam, just wanting fast, cheap but delicious food. Salsas is the place for this. Last weekend I tried the fish tacos even though I was hesitant at first (I love fish but sometimes can be sensitive to its strong aroma). They were amazing! They had crispy light batter, plenty of fish, a creamy avocado sauce, fresh chopped vegetables, and a hint of spice.

Another advantage about Salsas is that though they don’t have an extensive menu and are able to give all their dishes a unique flavour. Donatello had the beef fajita, filled with refried beans and rice. It was scrumptious. Meinhilde tried the tofu tacos. As avid cooks and tofu lovers, we know that the best place to eat tofu outside of our kitchen is in Asian restaurants and only a few other spots. Dark and crispy, this tofu did not disappoint us and made a beautiful vegetarian and gluten free option.

After leaving the restaurant, a Brazilian drum circle and a mime greeted us in the streets. What could be greater?

Visit Salsas at 249 Augusta Avenue in Kensington Market

One Reply to “Toronto Eats: Lunch at Salsas”

  1. These look crazy delicious!! I wish I had a few of these right now, my stomach is screaming to be fed.

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