Ratatouille with Roasted Potatoes

I have to admit that Donatello and I watched the movie Ratatouille before I made this.  Right afterwards, I looked in my refrigerator and found all the beautiful fresh veggies from Meinhilde’s weekly market that were perfect for this dish.  I decided on a more rustic presentation than in the movie and added a couple of additions. […]

Quebec City Eats: Le Chic Shack

Quebec City Eats: Le Chic Shack

On our Quebec Culinary Adventure, Tomiko and I spent two nights in Quebec City. On the second evening, Tomiko and I waited about 15 minutes to get a table for two at Le Chic Shack, a popular and busy restaurant in Upper Town part of Quebec City. The wait gave us ample time to decide on […]

Asparagus Wrapped in Puff Pastry

Asparagus Wrapped in Puff Pastry.

I made this asparagus wrapped in puff pastry for Tomiko’s 30th birthday party. They are simple but a little time consuming to assemble, but everyone loved them and we only had a few left over! There were many other flavourful items at the birthday buffet, so I kept the seasonings on the asparagus wrapped in […]

Sri Lankan Beet Curry

Sri Lankan Beet Curry

My parents took us to Sri Lanka back in 2004, and we spent about 10 days visiting Hikkaduwa and Kandy. This was where my love for string hoppers was born. There are many Indian restaurants in Toronto, but we know of only one Sri Lankan restaurant. Rashnaa is handily located on a bike path and […]

Cheese and Crackers with Pesto

Cheese and Crackers with Pesto

This is a more grown-up version of regular old cheese and crackers. Adding a bit of pesto, like pesto Genovese or my lemon dill pesto, dresses up this little appetizer and adds a touch of colour and hit of flavour. You can use many types of cheeses for this simple but tasty appetizer. Here, from […]