Summertime is…Peach Iced Tea!

Summertime Peach Iced Tea, Kiku Corner

In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the compound we lived on had a massive, outdoor, Olympic-sized swimming pool. There weren’t many kids on our compound, so whenever we would go swimming, the pool would be quite empty…there might have been a few nurses tanning themselves. Since most of the year the weather was 45 C and sunny, […]

Flavoured Waters: Lemon Lime Water

Flavoured Waters: Lemon Lime Water, Kiku Corner

If you ever get tired of plain water (ooh how fancy you are, that fresh clean water is too boring!), try flavouring it with cut up fruits, vegetables and herbs. Here, we use slices of fresh lemon and lime. The resulting water is so refreshing and tangy, it makes a perfect libation for a hot […]

Simple Peach Syrup

Simple Peach Syrup, Kiku Corner

Ontario peaches are at their prime in August and September. The Niagara region of Ontario has plenty of fruit, and the peaches are so luscious, perfumed, and dripping with juice that I can easily eat six in a day. Sometimes, however, the basket of peaches turn out flavourful but mealy in texture: no juicy flesh. […]

Deconstructed Banana Split

Early this summer, Donatello told me he was in the mood for a banana split. We went for a classic one at Dutch Dreams and devoured it on the spot. Then one day he picked me up from class and suggested another round. Except he didn’t want the chocolate ice cream, and I didn’t really want the […]

Fruits and Veggies in the Community Garden

Fruits and Vegetables from the Community Garden, Kiku Corner

I oversee a community garden as part of my work. I was inspecting the 24 individual plots the other day, and snapped some of these photos. The above picture took ages to get, since the bumblebees didn’t like me getting too close. They were also always moving, so it was difficult to get them in […]