Agedashi Tofu - Deep-Fried Tofu with Amber Sauce
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Japanese
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Serves: 4
  • 300 g silken tofu
  • 3 Tbsp grated daikon
  • ⅓ red chili
  • 2 or 3 leaves asatsuki chive
  • fine dried bonito shreds
  • katakuniko starch (potato starch)
  • oil for deep frying
  • ¼ cup dashi stock
  • 2 tsp shoyu
  • 1 tsp mirin
  1. Wrap the tofu with cloth or paper towel, and place on a tray. Let stand for 30 minutes in the fridge to eliminate moisture.
  2. Remove the seeds of the chili, and soak in lukewarm water. Chop finely and mix with the grated daikon to make a momiji-oroshi condiment. Cut the chives.
  3. Preheat the oil to 350F. The tip of a wooden chopstick should bubble when inserted into the oil..
  4. Cut the tofu into eight pieces, coat thinly with katakuriko starch, and deep fry in oil. When the tofu turns light brown and floats up to the surface, take out of the pan and drain on a tray.
  5. Place the mirin, stock, and shoyu in a small pot and bring to a boil to make the sauce
  6. Arrange the tofu in a dish and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with the momiji-oroshi condiment, chopped chives, and fine, dried bonito flakes.
Recipe by Kiku Corner at