Galaktoboureko – Greek Custard Cake

Galaktoboureka - Greek Custard Cake

Galaktoboureko is a Greek dessert; basically, it’s a pastry-covered custard drenched in flavoured syrup. Best served warm when the pastry is still crisp and the custard just set, galaktoboureko is a great dessert for a large crowd. The baking dish full of rich dessert can easily serve 12-15 people. Although it is tastiest when fresh […]

Easy Creamy Vanilla Custard

Easy Vanilla Custard, Kiku Corner

   When our mom was a little girl in rural Germany, one of her chores was to make her older brother vanilla pudding after school. He was three years older so I don’t know why he couldn’t make it himself – it was so easy since the custard she made was from a powdered mix […]