DIY: How to Make Lavender Sugar

DIY Lavender Sugar, Kiku Corner

This is a lovely way to lightly scent sugar with the floral essence of lavender. I like to use it in place of regular white sugar in some baking (excellent in shortbreads), sprinkled on some sugar cookies, or even as a sweetener in a cup of tea. It takes a few days to ‘steep,’ but […]

DIY: Lavender Sugar + Salt Scrub

DIY Lavender Sugar + Salt Scrub, Kiku Corner

Greece. Indonesia. Thailand. Whenever our family would visit a beach during our vacations, our mom would always sit in the shallows and rub sand over her arms and legs. While we kids were playing and messing around, we laughed at how she looked covered in damp sand. But it seems like she had the last laugh, since […]

DIY: Making a Simple Room Deodorizer

DIY How to Make a Simple Room Deodorizer, Kiku Corner

I have a small apartment with a few windows, but it sometimes gets stuffy (especially if I’m not there all day). I created this low cost and simple deodorizer that you can use to freshen a room (or a mattress after a long winter).   What You Need 1 small glass jar 1/2 cup baking […]