Dilly Lentil Salad

Dilly Lentil Salad, Kiku Corner

   Several summers ago, I spent a few weeks at our family friends’ farm north of Toronto. Their Polish grandparents came to visit and brought along a few giant bunches of fresh dill. For the next several days, every meal included dill, much to one grandson’s chagrin. Potatoes, eggs, fish – all covered with dill. […]

Happy Hour: Cape Cod Cocktail

Cape Cod Cocktail, Kiku Corner

  Having just come back from road tripping through Cape Cod, I found out that one of my favourite drinks, the vodka cranberry, is also called a Cape Cod, or Cape Codder! The cape is riddled with cranberry bogs, so it is fitting that its namesake cocktail incorporates the juice of this ruby red fruit. […]