DIY: Make Your Own Paper Book Cover

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Make your own paper book cover, Kiku Corner

When you buy a book in Japan, the checkout person will ask you if you want your book covered. Normally they cover it with a kind of parchment printed with the bookshop’s name. This is done to protect the book (or perhaps hide what you’re reading from everyone on the subway). Here is how you can do it yourself, with any paper you have on hand (you can use pretty washi paper, or plain butcher paper).

DIY How to make a paper book cover, Kiku Corner 12 (2)

Make your own paper book cover 2, Kiku Corner

DIY: Make Your Own Paper Book Cover


One book (this one was not the most flattering title for my morning commute)

One pair of scissors and some clear tape

Some sturdy paper, about three times the size as the cover of the book

Make your own paper book cover 4, Kiku Corner

  1. Place the book in the middle of the paper, spine down. There should be about a 3cm or 1.5 inch border on all sides when both covers are open. (Don’t worry if it’s not exactly that wide- this is just the inside of the cover!). holding the front cover open and against the paper, chop off the two corners diagonally like in the first photo.
  2. Fold the edge of the paper over the length of the book cover, like in photo 2. Make two small snips in the paper at both the top and bottom of the spine so that the top and bottom parts of the paper can be folded too.
  3. After the three panes have been folded over, encasing the front cover, tape the three sections together. Try not to get any tape on the book, which could be difficult to remove later.
  4. Turn the book over so that the papered cover is facing up.
  5. Repeat the same steps as you did for the other side, starting with cutting off the corners.
  6. Fold over the three panels.
  7. Tape each panel down down, being careful not to stick anything to the book cover.
  8. Cut off the little paper flap on the spine.


DIY Paper book cover, Kiku Corner

Meinhilde and Tomiko signature

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